Blog Article

Welcoming Middesk to the Foresight Boost Program

8 min read

Small Business

July 24, 2022

We are delighted to announce a groundbreaking addition to the Foresight Boost Program that signifies a significant stride toward our mission of transforming the lending industry. Foresight is proud to introduce our newest partner, Middesk, a trailblazer in business identity verification. onboarding businesses for financial products has grown into a very real and very complex issue. From a number of perspectives — including fraud, compliance and regulatory requirements, and messy data — evaluating prospective business borrowers can still be a manual and cumbersome process that often includes incomplete and stale information from data providers

Benefits for Our Customers

Before you can offer financial products to new customers — and before you spend additional dollars evaluating businesses from a creditworthiness and financial perspective — now more than ever, you need to quickly determine if a business, as well as its business owners, first satisfies your underwriting criteria.

With limited information about a business, the connection to Middesk allows underwriters to quickly receive verification about the names and addresses of the business as well as Secretary of State and IRS details to confirm the businesses validity - which can be used and analyzed alongside other relevant data points. With this strategic partnership, we are setting the stage for a new era in risk assessment and financial inclusion.

Collaboration for Innovation

At Foresight, we've always believed that innovation thrives through collaboration. Our Boost Program brings together industry leaders who share our passion for driving change and providing cutting-edge solutions to our customers. In Middesk, we have found a partner that aligns seamlessly with our vision.

Middesk: Redefining Business Identity Verification

Middesk is at the forefront of business identity verification, offering a comprehensive view of business entities that goes beyond traditional methods. Their advanced solutions provide invaluable insights into the businesses we work with, ensuring that your lending decisions are based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

Join Us on This Journey

As we embark on this exciting journey with Middesk, we invite you to join us in celebrating innovation, collaboration, and progress. Stay tuned for the innovative solutions and advancements that will emerge from this partnership. Together, we are dedicated to shaping a lending landscape that is not only accessible and efficient but also one that empowers individuals and businesses to achieve their financial goals.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our incredible community for your unwavering support. Together, we are building a brighter financial future—one where opportunities are within reach for everyone.

Thank you for being part of the Foresight journey.

AI platform to launch impactful lending products.

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AI platform to launch impactful lending products.

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AI platform to launch impactful lending products.

+1 913 210 2333

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